Friday, November 3


Yes, I am holding my breath for the Wii. Never a console user till DS, I'm nonetheless excited about this thing. Some might say it's actually the reason I'm excited about it. Well I don't know. All I know is that December can't come soon enough. I'm aware that it's not gonna be the best thing since sliced bread -- and I even have to say I'm just a tad bit bothered by just how much behind the "real" next-gens it will be -- and also I know it will be a damn money drain and I'm a little afraid of that, I'm still getting some of that Cartman syndrome (for those who have seen the South Park episode). Incidentally, although the launch titles I'm looking forward the most are Zelda, Call of Duty 3 and Raving Rabbids (in that order, I guess), I've realized today that I should postpone CoD3 till later. I mean c'mon, with one epic game like Zelda, I don't really foresee myself playing another one at the same time, albeit so very different. So now it's either Excite Truck or... hell knows what.

In related news, I'm trying to find ways to curb my appetite. So now instead of just waiting for the Wii to come out, I'm also waiting for Big Brain Academy and Metroid Prime: Hunters I won on eBay to arrive. The. Wait. Is. Bad. I guess I didn't think it over as well as it first seemed, hehe... Also, Pro Evolution Soccer 6 launches tomorrow here in Poland. Wonder if they haven't postponed it again. Wonder if my preorder will be waiting for me tomorrow. If so, there's hope the Wii also will come December 8. Gah, I'm monothematic, aren't I?

And yeah, if I keep posting to this blog as, ahem, often as once a month, I'll just go hit myself with a broomstick.

Edit: It's "tomorrow" already and now I see the website I preordered Pro Evo at says November 10. Puzzling question: was I just making stuff up in the first place or have they really postponed it again?

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