Monday, August 28

Let me say this up front

Right then. It's finally happened and I'm now writing this blog. Granted, it's not like I'm losing my blogging virginity in here, but still, a new step is a new step. So, let the writing to a non-existent reader commence!

Who am I and what's up with the blog name and everything? For starters, yes, I do take pride in being a geek, and that is I've been feeling the urge to start writing something like this for some time now. However, unlike most regular, full-fledged geeks I know: I have no background in computer science -- or math, physics, engineering and whatnot -- I don't work nowhere near the IT sector, I've last written any computer code about ten years ago... oh, and I pretty much suck at video games, even though gaming takes up quite a big portion of my spare time. So instead, I studied at the Department of English Studies, I majored in linguistics, and I work as a translator and as a teacher of English in a language school here in Warsaw. See? Not very geeky at all. What more can I say then? I'm a class B geek at best.

The point of the blog? The basic plan is to post my everyday thoughts on what I do, what I come across online, what I play, what movies and TV I see, and so on, and so on. Why should you care about what I think? Oh, you shouldn't! It would be something to tell my grandchildren about if you did. Regardless, it just might be a fun read perhaps. Sounds like a plan?

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