Saturday, October 7


Wow... I honestly had no idea as much as a month has passed since my last post. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. Or time flies in general, too.

The last few weeks, when I wasn't busy with more pressing issues, I've been busy trying to figure out what new TV shows I want to follow. Problem is, I can't seem to drop any of them yet, so right now I have a whopping 13 shows on my weekly schedule: Jericho, Kidnapped, Heroes, Smith, Shark, Dexter, Studio 60, The Nine, Help Me Help You, plus of course the returning My Name Is Earl, The Office, Veronica Mars... and the show of shows that is Battlestar Galactica. Yes, I so need to cut that list down, no doubt. But that's irrelevant now, since today I'm much too worked up about having seen the BSG season premiere double feature.

My gods, I have forgotten just how good this show was. This is the only TV series in a long, long while which is considerably more than "just a show I enjoy." Even if it's not the best show that ever was, it never fails to have me on the edge of my seat and wondering how on earth they manage to pull it off just right every single time. And now, season 3 adds even more depth to the premise, with a new level of moral ambiguity and thought-provoking commentary on real-world issues. And perhaps more importantly, the character development never stops -- and the psychological complexity is what I love about the show over all other things.

Have I already I'm mentioned too worked up about all this? 

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